Databases and e-resources

Databases and e-resources

Find databases to which the library subscribes and freely available resources selected by librarians. These resources will lead you to articles, statistics, business information, audio recordings, sheet music, video and more in your subject area.

Found 5 of 625 databases:

  • Wiley’s Current Protocols consist of a collection of reproducible laboratory methods and an extensive range of information, from basic methods to advanced procedures.

    This extensive collection cover...

  • JoVE    

    JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) publishes peer-reviewed scientific experiments in video articles. Step-by-step demonstrations offer the possibility of recreating experiments in different dis...

  • Database and discovery tool of indexed and structured information related to nano materials and nano devices, including curated nanomaterial summaries from top journals worldwide....

  • Nature Protocols is an interactive online resource for experimental and laboratory protocols for bench researchers primarily in biology and chemistry. Protocols are presented in a 'recipe' style prov...

  • Springer Nature Experiments is a research solution developed to connect researchers with the most relevant and important protocols and methods to support their research projects.

    Content from Natu...