Databases - Gothenburg university library

Database search

The databases contain references to articles, doctoral theses, statistics and business facts. You will also find encyclopaedias, audio recordings, sheet music, videos and other materials related to your subject.

Found 85 of 626 databases:

  • Scopus    

    Multidisciplinary database covering scientific, medical, social sciences, arts and humanities and technical literature. An abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web s...

  • ACM digital library provides access to tables of contents, abstracts, reviews, and full text of papers published in ACM journals since 1985.

    Subject area covers IT and programming....

  • Airiti Library (CETD) provides a comprehensive search in Chinese electronic theses and dissertations service


  • Taiwan Electronic Periodical Services (TEPS) contains full-text articles from more than 900 Taiwan periodicals on different subjects since 1991. ...

  • References to newspaper articles from 1979 onwards. Article Artikelsök indexes articles from large parts of the Swedish periodical literature - newspapers and journals. Until 1997, yearbooks were als...

  • Asahi Shimbun Cross-Search (Asahi News Database) is the largest newspaper article database in Japan, allowing users to search 16 million newspaper articles and advertisements from 1879 to present. Ar...

  • The bibliography covers literature down to article level on the landscape of Bohuslän. It contains the following material categories: monographs and collections; contributions in collections and chap...

  • Since the Encyclopædia Britannica's founding in 1768, Britannica editors have gathered and organized information on thousands of topics for easy retrieval....

  • BrowZine    

    With the service BrowZine you can search, read, save and monitor many of the Library's electronic journals. Students and staff at the University of Gothenburg can access the articles in BrowZine by l...

  • Cambridge Core is the online platform for Cambridge University Press's academic content, i.e. journals and books covering subjects from all disciplines across science, technology and medicine, as wel...

  • Textbooks from Cambridge University Press aimed at students in basic and higher education within most subject areas. The Gothenburg University has access to a selection of these textbooks.

    In order ...

  • China Academic Journals Full-text Database (CAJ) & Century Journals Project (CJP) together provide access to full-text and full-image interdisciplinary Chinese journals from 1915 to present. ...

  • China Core Newspapers Full-text Database collects academic and informative documents from more than 600 core newspapers in China since 2000. Updated continuously....

  • Cristin    

    Cristin (Current research information system in Norway) allows you to search articles, conference papers, dissertations et cetera, published at Norwegian universities. Use Cristin to get an overview ...

  • CrossAsia is an electronic and digital platform to support Asia-related scholarship, research, and research-related teaching.

    Partially replaces AsiaPortal...

  • Ved åbningen indeholder Den Store Danske samtlige artikler fra Gyldendals leksika; størsteparten fra Den Store Danske Encyklopædi, suppleret med en række andre værker. I alt mere end 161.000 artikler...

  • DigiZeitschriften is a German non-profit association providing access to retro-digitised scientific journals online.

    **This database has a very low usage. Due to this fact, we might be forced to can...

  • Academic peer-reviewed Open Access books and chapters....

  • Free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals, covering all subjects and many languages....