Databases and e-resources

Databases and e-resources

Find databases to which the library subscribes and freely available resources selected by librarians. These resources will lead you to articles, statistics, business information, audio recordings, sheet music, video and more in your subject area.

Found 24 of 625 databases:

  • Recommended

    Full-text newspaper articles published after 1981. Mediearkivet is the Nordic region's largest digital news archive containing printed newspapers, magazines and business press. In Mediearkivet you ca...

  • Recommended

    Joint search in:

    • Criminal Justice Database
    • Education Collection
    • International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
    • Politics Collection
    • PsycARTICLES
    • PsycINFO
    • PTSDpubs
    • Social Sci...

  • Scopus    

    Multidisciplinary database covering scientific, medical, social sciences, arts and humanities and technical literature. An abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web s...

  • Recommended

    The database Svenska tidningar contains about 1500 digitised newspapers from 1645 to the present, with the exception of the last four months. Newspapers older than 110 years are freely available dire...

  • Business Source Premier is a full text business database, covering management, economics, finance, accounting, international business....

  • Abstracts and bibliographic records of articles and books published in the primary professional literature of the communication(s) field.

    **This database has a very low usage. Due to this fact, we m...

  • COSMIC    

    COSMIC is a repository for the communication and journalism fields for published indexes, scales, and other systems for measurement, and for published articles treating topics in measurement procedur...

  • The Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Communication presents resources and strategies for science communicators, including theoretical material and background on recent controversies and key ins...

  • Factiva    

    Factiva is a vast archive of business and news publications in many languages, including national and international newspapers, leading business magazines and trade publications.

    All sources are in...

  • HCI Bibliography is a non-profit multinational volunteer effort to provide a free comprehensive online bibliography of the field of Human-Computer Interaction electronically worldwide to students, re...

  • Journals in the fields of creative practice and popular culture. Subject areas covered are visual arts, film studies, cultural and media studies, and performing arts....

  • The International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) is a resource for social science and interdisciplinary research.

    IBSS includes references to journal articles, books, reviews and selecte...

  • Journals published by John Benjamins. Subject areas: Linguistics, Translation & Interpreting Studies, Communication Studies, Psychology, Sociology, Terminology & Lexicography, Literature & Literary S...

  • About 500 articles in Danish authored and edited by 200 specialists from Northern Europe and the US. The articles deal with key concepts, methodologies, and researchers in the fields of media theory,...

  • Oxford bibliographies: Cinema and media studies is international in scope, with subject authorities in cinema and media studies that provide a carefully organized, peer-reviewed account of the most i...

  • More than 7000 newspapers and magazines from 100 countries in 60 languages. Content up to one year back. Language translation and text-to-voice conversion is available. Issues can be downloaded to a...

  • Retriever Business contains information on all Swedish companies, including sole proprietorships. It contains information on organisation number, number of employees, contact information, board infor...

  • Links to Swedish newspapers online compiled by the National Library....

  • The Sunday Times Digital Archive 1822-2016 brings two centuries of news together in one resource, providing the complete run of the newspaper up to 2016, including all of its supplements....