Databases and e-resources
Database search - Gothenburg university library - Alvin


Alvin is a national platform for the long-term preservation and accessibility of digitised collections and digital cultural heritage material, but also a catalogue of material that has not yet been digitised. It is developed and operated by Uppsala University Library in collaboration with Gothenburg University Library and the University Library at Lund University. Several other cultural heritage institutions are also members of Alvin.

The database contains author and other personal archives, advertising posters, medical history, portraits, images from polar expeditions, botanical plates, letters, sketchbooks and much more.

Almost all digital material found in Alvin can be used freely. However, be aware that some of the more modern material may be copyrighted. The rights label under the heading "Licensing of the work" in each entry tells you what applies.

Freely available
  • Lunds universitet,
  • Uppsala universitet,
  • Göteborgs universitet