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Database search - Gothenburg university library - Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law

Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law

The Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law is a reference work, providing comprehensive coverage of the field of environmental law.

The Encyclopedia consists of twelve volumes, organised around top level subjects such as water, energy and climate change. Each volume covers key elements of law, essential concepts and the latest research in the area of environmental law. Each entry is written by an expert in the field and includes a bibliography for further reading.

Available to the University of Gothenburg. Available to anyone using the libraries' computers
Media types:
  • Edward Elgar Publishing
Alternative title:
  • Encyclopedia of Environmental Law
Terms of use
  • Download article or chapter
  • Print course pack
  • Upload course pack to learning management system
  • Scholarly sharing
  • Interlibrary loan
  • Print article or chapter