Databases and e-resources
Database search - Gothenburg university library - Emerald


Emerald fulltext journals and book series cover the major management disciplines including, marketing, HR and organizational development, library & information management, quality and operations management, plus a substantial number of engineering, applied science and technology journals.

Available to the University of Gothenburg. Available to anyone using the libraries' computers
  • Emerald
Alternative title:
  • Emerald Insight
Terms of use
  • Print course pack
    "Each such item shall carry appropriate acknowledgement of the author, title, original source and the Publisher. Copies of such items shall be deleted by the Licensee when they are no longer used for such purpose."
  • Download article or chapter
    Single chapters and articles.
  • Scholarly sharing
  • Upload course pack to learning management system
    "Each such item shall carry appropriate acknowledgement of the author, title, original source and the Publisher. Copies of such items shall be deleted by the Licensee when they are no longer used for such purpose."
  • Interlibrary loan
    ILL print, fax or secure electronic transmission: Permitted
  • Print article or chapter
    Single chapters and articles.