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Database search - Gothenburg university library - Financial Times

Financial Times

Reports on a wide range of topics, including finance, management, international law, politics, and economics.

Access is granted to staff and students at the University of Gothenburg. You must register for an account. Financial Times will require your University of Gothenburg email address for authentication (for staff: and for students: When creating your account, you must be connected to the university network. Log in with your GU account when prompted, if you are not on campus.

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Available to the University of Gothenburg
Media types:
  • Financial Times
Alternative title:
  • FT
Terms of use
  • Interlibrary loan
  • Print article or chapter
    Students/professors are allowed to print articles for personal use, given that these articles are not shared with anyone that is not a part of the licence agreement (e.g. relatives, friends from other universities, etc.).
  • Download article or chapter
    Students/professors are allowed to download articles for personal use, given that these articles are not shared with anyone that is not a part of the licence agreement (e.g. relatives, friends from other universities, etc.).
  • Print course pack
    It is not allowed to print articles and share them in course packs.
  • Upload course pack to learning management system
    Articles can be included in course packs by sharing links to the articles.