Databases and e-resources
Database search - Gothenburg university library - Inspec


Inspec includes over 19 million records (Abstracts + bibliographic data) from over 4,500 journals and 6 million conference items, relating to physics, astronomy, electrical and electronic engineering, communications, computer science, control engineering, information technology, manufacturing and mechanical engineering, operations research, materials science, oceanography, engineering mathematics, nuclear engineering, environmental science, geophysics, nanotechnology, biomedical technology and biophysics.

Inspec also indexes preprints from arXiv.

Inspec Analytics is included in Inspec. It is a research intelligence tool that uses Inspec’s data to provide insights on trends and patterns in global engineering and physics research.

Available to the University of Gothenburg. Available to anyone using the libraries' computers
  • ProQuest
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  • Print article or chapter
  • Upload course pack to learning management system