Databases and e-resources
Database search - Gothenburg university library - JUNO


JUNO (formerly Karnov and Zeteo) contains all current Swedish laws and regulations with comments on them and links to legal cases and preparatory work. JUNO also contains summaries of judgements from the Supreme Court, the Supreme Administrative Court, the Labour Court and the courts of appeal, as well as decisions from the Ombudsman for Equality, the Chancellor of Justice and a number of authorities.

The case summaries sometimes contain links to sections of the law and comments on the laws. There are also EU law sources, including the EU initiatives database, in-depth legal commentaries on a selection of laws and specialised entries on stock exchange law and tax law.

The following journals are available in full text: Juridisk publikation, Ny juridik, Skattenytt, Svensk juristtidning, Svensk skattetidning, Insolvensrättslig tidning and Upphandlingsrättslig tidning.

District courts and administrative courts are not included in the database.

Access to judgements from lower courts

Since 26 June 2019, Norstedts Juridik has removed decisions from Sweden's lower courts from the packages of legal information currently offered to university and college libraries. The reason is that the material contains personal data that they do not wish to disseminate unnecessarily.

Access to judgements from lower courts is available in the database InfoTorg Juridik and requires a personal login.

Available to the University of Gothenburg. Available to anyone using the libraries' computers
  • Norstedts Juridik
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  • Interlibrary loan
    "(...) enskilda digitala kopior ur Juno till andra offentligt finansierade bibliotek i Sverige(...)"