Databases - Gothenburg university library - Maritime & Commercial on i-law

Maritime & Commercial on i-law

The Maritime & Commercial Section on i-Law contains law reports, documents, news, and journal articles from trusted legal sources and titles like Lloyd´s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly Journal, Lloyd´s Maritime Law Newsletter, Lloyd´s Law Reports, Shipping & Trade Law, Maritime Risk International and Ratification of Maritime Conventions.

Access is granted to staff and students at the University of Gothenburg. The first time you will need to register your University of Gothenburg email address for authentication.

Available to the University of Gothenburg
  • Informa PLC
Terms of use
  • Print article or chapter
    "(...) insubstantial portions for research and related work in the ordinary course of the Customer's business."
  • Interlibrary loan
  • Download article or chapter
    "(...) insubstantial portions for research and related work in the ordinary course of the Customer's business."
  • Scholarly sharing