Databases and e-resources
Database search - Gothenburg university library - Thieme MedOne Education

Thieme MedOne Education

The Thieme MedOne Education is an online reference collection, including the Flexibook Atlases and Textbooks Series. Here you will find medical and scientific books as well as a growing number of books in alternative medicine.

The pdf files work with text-to-speech software.

Available to the University of Gothenburg. Available to anyone using the libraries' computers
Media types:
  • Thieme
Alternative title:
  • Thieme ebook library,
  • ElectronicBook library,
  • Thieme ElectronicBook library,
  • Thieme electronic book library
Terms of use
  • Print article or chapter
    Printing of pictures to include in a presentation, test, or other teaching material is allowed. Although the amount can not exceed 200 copies per presentation. You are required to state the correct source.
  • Download article or chapter
    Occasional chapters and articles.
  • Scholarly sharing
    "Dissemination of limited parts of the Licensed Works for classroom use shall be permitted referring to the fair use rules."
  • Interlibrary loan
    ILL print or fax: "permitted for pages of single chapters"