Databases - Gothenburg university library

Database search

The databases contain references to articles, doctoral theses, statistics and business facts. You will also find encyclopaedias, audio recordings, sheet music, videos and other materials related to your subject.

Found 11 of 624 databases:

  • Swedish information on accounting, auditing, taxes and business law. Includes laws, regulations, manuals, recommendations, journals, news, preparatory work and legal cases in full text....

  • Infotorg is the database where we have access to most legal cases. The database contains Swedish legal material such as laws, preparatory works, court cases and articles. European law has its own sec...

  • INNOVA    

    A subdatabase of Libris that covers literature primarily in the field of intellectual property law, i.e. patent, trade mark, design, name and copyright law and contains references to journal articles...

  • JP Migrationsnet is a service adapted to the study of migration law. The service provides access to all sources of migration law, searchable and clearly organised, with comments and explanations on t...

  • Environmental issues in public administration, private industry and the judiciary. The service has daily news coverage and a fact bank, where you can find laws and regulations, preparatory work, judg...

  • JP Socialnet is a tool for obtaining and utilising legal information in the field of social law. The system, which is updated daily, contains extensive databases of laws, preparatory works and judgem...

  • JUNO    

    JUNO (formerly Karnov and Zeteo) contains all current Swedish laws and regulations with comments on them and links to legal cases and preparatory work. JUNO also contains summaries of judgements from...

  • Older, mainly Swedish legal literature with open access.

    The literature may be used, quoted, copied and adapted in various ways, but not republished for commercial use. New titles are added on an o...

  • Links to legal information from government, parliament, higher courts and state authorities. Includes full text of preparatory works, statutes, Swedish case law....

  • Socialstyrelsens författningssamling (SOSFS) publishes regulations and guidelines for health and medical care and social services i Sweden....

  • Bibliography of Swedish official publications from the 16th century to 1833....