- Recommended
Literature Online is a library of poetry, drama and prose fiction from the eighth century to the present day.
It provides the materials for the historical study of almost every period and genre o...
- Recommended
The MLA International Bibliography is a subject index for books, articles and websites published on modern languages, literatures, folklore, and linguistics. It is produced by the Modern Language Ass...
Alvin is a national platform for the long-term preservation and accessibility of digitised collections and digital cultural heritage material, but also a catalogue of material that has not yet been d...
ARTFL-FRANTEXT, consists of nearly 3,000 texts, ranging from classic works of French literature to various kinds of non-fiction prose and technical writing.
The eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth...
Arts & Humanities Database is a journal database designed to complement the indexes ARTBibliographies Modern, Design and Applied Arts Index, British Humanities Index and Philosopher’s Index amongst o...
A database produced by the Bibliothèque nationale de France (National Library of France), the Société d'histoire littéraire de la France (Society of Literary History of France) and published by Class...
Collection of over 1000 works of Italian literature, from its origins to the end of the 1930’s. The BIZ includes the complete works of the major Italian writers, as well as those of many minor and ob...
A catalogue of books printed in the Fifteenth Century now in the Bodleian Library....
Brill’s Encyclopaedia of the Neo-Latin World traces the enduring history and broad cultural influence of Neo-Latin, the form of Latin that originated in the Italian Renaissance and persists to the mo...
This citation index covers conference literature in all fields of social sciences, arts, and humanities, including: Art, Economics, History, Literature, Management, Philosophy, Psychology, Public Hea...
Early Arabic Printed Books from the British Library: Periodicals, Literature, Grammar, Language, Catalogues and General Works (module 3) is a full-text searchable archive of early Arabic printed book...
Early English Books Online (EEBO) contains digital facsimile page images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America and works in English printed el...
Eleven major editions from the First Folio to the Cambridge edition of 1863-1911, twenty-four separate contemporary printings of individual plays, selected apocrypha and related works and more than o...
The Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle brings together the latest research in chronicle studies from a variety of disciplines and scholarly traditions.
Chronicles are the history books written ...
European women’s libraries and scholars from all over Europe are working together on the FRAGEN project which aims to collect the most important texts from the feminist movements of the second part o...
Contains cumulative bibliographical information on books translated and published in about a hundred of UNESCO´s member states since 1979 and totals more than two million entries in all disciplines: ...
Journals published by John Benjamins. Subject areas: Linguistics, Translation & Interpreting Studies, Communication Studies, Psychology, Sociology, Terminology & Lexicography, Literature & Literary S...
Includes all 2,800+ academic journals on JSTOR, spanning more than 60 disciplines across the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, along with millions of primary sources across four coll...
Dgitised fictional classics and other important humanities in the Swedish language, as well as presentations of authors and subject areas.